Sunday, November 07, 2010

My first daybook!

Outside my is a clear crisp November afternoon.  I think the days have past when a small fire in the woodstove in the morning will suffice.  Time to keep the wood hoop filled and have plenty of kindling on hand.

I am thinking...about our nation's Veterans.  Our Columbiette group had a small ceremony to place flags for the Veterans from the families of our parish.  So beautiful seeing all those flags lining the drive to the church.

I am thankful for...our parish priest, Fr. Wayne.  He enters the hospital this Tuesday and will have a heart valve replacement on Wednesday.  Please pray for him and his recovery.  It would be wonderful if he were back with us by Christmas.

From the learning rooms..we'll be picking up vinegar to start a biology lab this week.

From the seasonal kitchen...a rediscovered favorite.  I used to make vegetable pancakes quite often years ago.  Not sure why I ever stopped.  While holding a head of red cabbage last week - I remembered them.  I have used our Sunday's at the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook so much it is in pieces and tatters.  The page that feature the pancake recipe was of course, missing.  Thankfully, I found the recipe online.

I am wearing...comfy knit shirt and brown pants.

I am creating...lots of little items for a craft fair coming up on November 20th.  It will be my first time selling my handwork.  This is my small effort to both declutter the craft supplies and help my daughter earn some spending money for a trip to England and France with her youth orchestra this summer.

Current read aloud with the boys...a favorite....The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald.  We have a beautiful copy of this book illustrated by Nick Walton.

I am hoping...for some sunshine this week.

I am 14 year old daughter sing along with Pandora.

Around the house...clothes sorting...this is the latest in the year that I have taken on the task of getting the warm winter things down from the attic.

One of my favorite things...homemade hot cocoa

Living the liturgical year.....still working on prayer angels for the month of All Souls.  We'll be making leaf lanterns for Martinmas later this week.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing....

Our gracious host....The Simple Woman's Daybook

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